La primera impresion, jamas se olvida.
I am still on such a high from the festival that even though I returned from Houston last Sunday night things still don’t feel back to normal yet. The boys didn’t have school Monday and Tuesday and in my head are still a million emotions, smiles and new ideas.
Aunque regrese el Domingo pasado, todavia me estoy recuperando del viaje a Houston. Mis hijos no tuvieron clases Lunes ni Martes y en mi cabeza todavia hay un millon de emociones, sonrisas y nuevas ideas.
1 Thursday
October 30th
Dia 1 Jueves 30 de Octubre.
I woke up at 4:00am for my flight and landed in
Houston around 10:00am. I took a cab to
my hotel and when I saw the bedroom with two nice queen beds only for myself I
sighed. I was so exhausted but the
excitement of being at this quilt show for the first time was stronger
than my exhaustion. I grabbed a cab to
the George R. Brown Convention Center and was surprised at how nicely dressed and
polite the cab driver was – not what I am used to in Washington!
As I got out of the cab the first thing I saw was giant
letters saying “Welcome to the International Quilt Market & Festival” on
the building - I crossed the street to take a picture of it.
Me levante a las 4 de la manana para irme al aeropuerto. Aterrice en Houston a las 10:00am. Tome un taxi a mi hotel y cuando vi el cuarto con las dos camas matrimoniales para mi sola suspire. Estaba exhausta, pero la emocion de estar en este show de quilting por primera vez era mayor a mi cansancio. Tome un taxi al Centro de Convenciones George R. Brown y me sorprendio ver que bien vestido y amable era el taxista, nada que ver con los de Washington!
Lo primero que vi al llegar fueron las letras del edificio que decian "Welcome to the International Quilt Market & Festival" y cruce la calle para tomar una foto.
I bought my entry ticket
and began taking some videos for my followers in Facebook as I walked into the
show. Just inside the entrance the first
display I saw was the best-of-show award winning quilt and it caught my breath.
Compre mi boleto de entrada y comence a tomar videos para mis seguidores en Facebook mientras caminaba hacia el interior. Lo primero que vi fue el quilt ganador con el premio mejor-del-show y me quede sin aliento.
Queria observarlo un poco mas pero mi objetivo era encontrar la exhibicion de quilts mexicanos porque mi quilt de "La Catrina" estaba ahi. El programa decia pasillo K, asi que hacia alla me dirigi. De pronto ahi estaba! Mi voz se quebro y deje de grabar. Con ojos llorosos simplemente me pare ahi por casi 15 minutos. No podia creer que mi quilt estuviera siendo exhibido en un show como este! La gente caminaba junto a mi, se paraba, observaban y algunos incluso tomaban fotografias! Que sensancion!!
I almost didn’t make it to Houston.
My son with pollen allergies, unexpected car repairs, kids’ tuition, other obligations…we were having some stressful weeks but my husband and I decided we could swing it. The last minute decision, expensive plane ticket, a hotel not too close to the convention center, it was all worth it just for being standing right there.
My son with pollen allergies, unexpected car repairs, kids’ tuition, other obligations…we were having some stressful weeks but my husband and I decided we could swing it. The last minute decision, expensive plane ticket, a hotel not too close to the convention center, it was all worth it just for being standing right there.
Por poco y no iba a Houston. Mi hijo un poco enfermo, arreglos de ultimo momento al coche, colegiatura de la escuela, y otras muchas obligaciones, nos tuvieron en un par de semanas bastante estresados pero mi esposo y yo vimos que si podia hacerlo. Decision de ultimo minuto, boleto de avion caro, hotel no tan cerca al evento, todo valio la pena con tal de estar parada ahi.
Suddenly, I heard an announcement “don’t miss the
opportunity of having
your picture taken with Astronaut Karen Nyberg.” Wait a minute! I submitted my block for the Astronomical Quilt Challenge (, I should go see her and look for the quilt. As I was standing in the very long line to meet Karen I heard someone call my name: Eduardo Ramirez from Quilters Mexico! It was so nice to see someone I know!
your picture taken with Astronaut Karen Nyberg.” Wait a minute! I submitted my block for the Astronomical Quilt Challenge (, I should go see her and look for the quilt. As I was standing in the very long line to meet Karen I heard someone call my name: Eduardo Ramirez from Quilters Mexico! It was so nice to see someone I know!
De pronto escuche un anuncio en el altavoz: "no se pierdan la oportunidad de tomarse una foto con la astronauta Karen Nyberg." Espera un momento, yo envie mi bloque de quilt para el reto del Quilt de Estrellas ( , debo de ir a conocerla y buscar ese quilt. Mientras estaba haciendo fila para la foto escuche que alguien me llamaba, era Eduardo Ramirez de Quilters de Mexico! Que maravilla ver una cara conocida!
Me tome la foto con Karen Nyberg y despues Eduardo me ayudo a buscar mi bloque. Yo me imaginaba que era un solo quilt grande. No. Imposible hacer uno solo cuando 22,800 bloques fueron recibidos! La exhibicion constaba de aproximadamente 25 quilts con 80 bloques cada uno. Despues de unas tres o cuatro vueltas y con la ayuda una amable senora y su esposo encontramos el mio y mi sonrisa se volvio aun mayor.
Last year, taking a class with Cindy Souder, she
mentioned that Houston Quilt Festival is huge; now I know what she meant. There
were tons of exhibits but also thousands
of vendors for shopping – what to do first?! I found the main exhibit “Ruby Jubilee” celebrating
the 40th anniversary of the Houston Festival. Beautiful quilts in...
Click READ MORE to continue...
Da click en READ MORE para continuar...
red and white, some of them hanging from the ceiling in a big rotunda.
Close to those quilts was the “Faces of the
Quilters” exhibit: “People may know your work, but do they know your face?” it asked. I found my picture among the many other faces
of artists and I was happy again. It was nice I was able to recognize a handful
of others.
El ano pasado, mientras tomaba clase con Cindy Souder, ella menciono que el festival de Houston es enorme, ahora se que no exageraba. Habia muchas exhibiciones pero sobre todo miles de vendedores! Que hacer primero?
Encontre la exhibicion principal llamada "Ruby Jubilee" (significa jubilo en color rubi) celebrando el 40 aniversario del show. Hermosos quilts en rojo y blanco colgando de la rotonda principal ( Cerca de esa exhibicion estaba la de "El Rostro de las Quilters" con la pregunta: La gente seguramente conoce tu trabajo, pero conocen tu rostro? y encontre mi foto entre varias otras fotos de artistas y sonrei una vez mas. Fue muy agradable tambien darme cuenta que podia reconocer a varias de ellas.
By 6:00pm I could barely stand up - I really needed
some rest. As I got into the taxi to go back to my hotel I was again surprised
that this taxi driver was also sharply dressed.
You will never guess another highlight of my weekend.
For the first time in almost 8 years, I slept in a bed only for myself, all
night through without interruptions and woke up in the morning without an alarm
clock! It was awesome!! (I guess only you moms with little kids like
mine understand my excitement, about this, right?).
Para las 6 de la tarde apenas y podia estar de pie -realmente necesitaba descanzar. Tome un taxi de regreso a mi hotel y fue una sorpresa darme cuenta que el taxista tambien estaba muy bien vestido.
Saben cual fue otro punto importante de ese dia? Que por primera vez en 8 anos, dormi en una cama para mi sola, toda una noche completa sin interrupciones y desperte sin usar reloj despertador. Fue fabuloso!! (Supongo que solo las mamas de ninos chiquitos como los mios entienden mi emocion acerca de esto, verdad!?)
2 Friday
October 31st
Dia 2 Viernes 31 de Octubre
The first thing I did as I walked in the convention
center was to go back to the Mexican exhibit, called “Traditional Mexican
Celebrations.” I saw Eduardo Ramirez there with his wife, artist Lourdes Cruz.
Her quilt was displayed next to mine. Her eyes were watering too, apparently
she was just recovering from the same reaction I had the day before. It was
nice to share a great big hug with her – we were so proud!
Little by little important quilting artists from
Latin America were arriving to our meeting point: Carolina Flores, Maria Roble,
MaryAnn Vaca-Lambert, Sonia Flores, Marinaldo Ferreira, Martha Thsilas and
Cecilia Koppman among others who I apologize for not knowing their names. We
got our official picture taken between lots of laughs and hugs (yes, we were
the noisy group there!).
Lo primero que hice al llegar al centro de convenciones fue regresar a la exhibicion de los quilts de Mexico, llamada "Fiestas Tradicionales Mexicanas." Vi a Eduardo Ramirez con su esposa, la artista Lourdes Cruz. Su quilt estaba exhibido junto al mio. Sus ojos llorosos tambien, al parecer se estaba apenas recuperando de la reaccion que yo tuve el dia anterior. Me dio mucho gusto abrazarla. Que orgullosas estabamos!
Poco a poco artistas importantes de Latino America fueron llegando a nuestro punto de reunion: Carolina Flores, Maria Roble, Mary Ann Vaca-Lambert, Sonia Flores, Marinaldo Ferreira, Martha Thsilas, Cecilia Koppman entre muchos otros con los cuales me disculpo por no recordar su nombre. Nos tomamos la foto oficial entre risas y abrazos. (Si, nosotros eramos el grupo mas escandaloso del lugar!)
The group dispersed but some of us stayed because Quilters Mexico had an appointment with Karey Bresenhan, Founder and Director of the Houston Quilt Festival. Eduardo and I interviewed her: it is nice when you get to see how very important personalities still have their feet on the ground and are easy going.
El grupo se separo pero algunos de nosotros nos quedamos porque Quilters Mexico tenia una cita con Karey Bresenhan, fundadora y directora del Festival de Houston. Eduardo y yo la entrevistamos: y nos dio mucho gusto darnos cuenta como una personalidad tan importante todavia tiene los pies en la tierra y es facil de tratar.
Todos caminamos juntos hacia la seccion de los vendedores y justo cuando iba a entra sono mi celular. Era mi esposo preguntandome donde estaba el escudo del disfraz de Halloween de mi hijo Louis. Todo el mundo me comenzo a hacer burla diciendo que mi esposo tiene un radar especial que le dice cuando estoy a punto de gastarme el dinero!! jajaja! No del todo alejado de la realidad, pense!
There were more than 2,000 vendors there. It was heaven! And it was also very exciting to find a bunch
of friends from Annandale and Arlington Quilters Unlimited around.
Habia mas de 2,000 vendedores. Era como estar en el cielo! Me dio tambien mucho gusto encontrar varias amigas de los grupos de Quilters Unlimited de Annandale y Arlington por ahi.
When the show was over I rejoined the Quilters
Mexico group and we decided to meet up on the terrace at the Hilton Hotel for
dinner. We all got dinner from The Venetian
supermarket (similar to Wegmans or Whole Foods) and walked right past Bill Kerr
from Modern Quilting Studio eating dinner at a table by himself. Cecilia Koppman and I were very tempted to say
“Hi,” but he really looked exhausted and seemed to need some private time.
Cuando el show se termino, me volvi a reunir con el grupo de Quilters de Mexico y decidieron juntarse en la terraza del Hotel Hilton a cenar. Compramos nuestra cena en el supermercado Venetian y mientras caminamos pasamos junto a Bill Kerr de Modern Quilting Studio que estaba cenando solo en una mesa en la banqueta. Cecilia Koppman y yo estuvimos tentadas a saludarlo, pero el hombre realmente se veia agotado y necesitaba privacidad.
At the lobby of
the Hilton and as we all were waiting for the elevator to the terrace we found ourselves
next to Pam Holland. She immediately recognized the Quilters Mexico group, especially
Eduardo and Lourdes. Hugs, pictures and she
promised to catch up with us on the terrace; and so she did.
En el lobby del Hilton mientras esperabamos el elevador nos encontramos a Pam Holland. Inmediatamente reconocio al grupo de Quilters Mexico especialmente a Eduardo y Lourdes. Abrazos, fotos y la promesa de alcanzarnos en la terraza para platicar, y asi lo hizo.
That nice outdoors night chatting with friends and
with Pam Holland sitting next to me is a treasure. I met Pam last year at the Mexico City Quilting
Expo where I was a presenter. There, I
entered my quilt called “Miracle with Roses” in the contest “Mexican Flowers”
and Pam was the judge. I didn’t win and I don’t think she remembered me, but
after this weekend I know she will.
After sharing with us some great stories about her
visits to different countries, Pam began telling us about her upcoming project,
a quilt recreation of the historical Bayeux Tapestry, the story-telling textile
of the Norman Conquest. As she was talking about it and the lectures
she has been giving regarding it (
we asked if she had the sample of her quilt with her. “Yes,” she said, “right here in my room, do
you want to come up and see it?”
Are you kidding us?
Of course we do! And so we
did! Never in a million years would I have
imagined I was going to be in Pam Holland’s hotel room looking at and touching the
sample of her gorgeous quilt that, as she said, next year is going to be the
one hanging in the Houston Festival from the main rotunda? Oh My God!
That was awesome! The finished
quilt is going to be about 80 meters long, she is doing applique and quilting
by machine and adding ink in some of the fabrics to get the color effects she
wants. Then she told us the most hysterical thing ever - where she bought the background
fabric! You won’t believe it. Well, to
keep you curious about it, I won’t tell you unless you specifically ask me.
Esa noche en la terraza platicando con amigos y con Pam Holland sentada junto a mi es un tesoro. Conoci a Pam Holland el ano pasado en la Ciudad de Mexico en la Expo en la que di una conferencia. Ahi, entre al concurso "Flores de Mexico" con mi quilt llamado "Un Milagro con Rosas" y Pam fue la juez. No gane, y se que ella no me reconocio al verme, pero despues del fin de semana pasado se que ahora si lo hara.
Despues de compartir con nosotros algunas historias fabulosas sobre sus viajes a diferentes paises, Pam nos hablo sobre su proyecto del quilt en el que va a recrear el Textil de Bayeux, con la historia de la batalla de Normandia ( Mientras hablaba de este y de las conferencias que ha estado dando acerca del mismo le preguntamos que donde tenia el quilt de muestra "Aqui en mi cuarto, Lo quieren subir a ver?"
Es broma? Claro que si!! Y eso hicimos! Nunca en un millon de anos me hubiera imaginado que estaria en el cuarto de hotel de Pam Holland viendo y tocando ese quilt maravilloso, que segun sus palabras va a estar colgado en la rotonda principal del Festival de Houston el ano proximo!! El quilt terminado va a medir aproximadamente 80 metros de largo. Tiene applique, acolchado a maquina y esta agregando tinta para lograr los tonos de color que quiere. Pero lo mas peculiar y chistoso de todo lo que nos dijo es donde compro la tela del fondo de atras!! No lo van a creer!! Y para que sigan con la curiosidad no se los voy a decir a menos que me lo pregunten en especifico!
Just this small part of the quilt we saw is stunning;
I know the final result will be a masterpiece.
What struck me most is that, one more time, a famous person like her is
a nice gentle woman with a big smile and a welcoming heart. It was a pleasure
to meet her.
Esta pequena parte del quilt que vimos es impresionante. Se que el resultado final va a ser una obra maestra. Otra cosa que me impresiono es que una vez mas, una persona famosa como ella es una mujer amable con una gran sonrisa y un corazon que te da la bienvenida. Fue un placer conocerla.
It was getting late, we were all tired, so
reluctantly we called it a night. While everyone else was staying at the Hilton
I had to take a taxi back to my hotel.
Once again, another dressed up taxi driver, this
time wearing a suit! “Really?” I laugh
to myself.
I was lying in bed for a while with my head spinning
and still excited. But I forced myself to sleep because the artists for the
Mexico Exhibit were scheduled to have an interview early the next morning.
Se estaba haciendo tarde y todos estabamos cansados. Mientras la mayoria se quedaba ahi en el Hilton yo tuve que tomar un taxi de regreso al mio.
Una vez mas, otro taxista elegante, esta vez, vestido de traje!! No lo podia creer! Me rei mucho pero en silencio.
3, the last one. Saturday
November 1st,
Dia 3, el ultimo. Sabado 1ero de Noviembre.
Dear alarm clock:
I hate you.
Querido despertador: Te odio.
I took a fast shower, got dressed, grabbed a bagel
and some coffee from the restaurant and met my early Saturday morning taxi
driver. A young guy wearing jeans and a
button-down shirt. Seemed kind of formal for a Saturday – I was expecting a
Before the show opened I was scheduled to be
interviewed by Quilting Alliance ( The day before I had been talking with Lisa
Ellis and she encouraged me to stop by Quilting Alliance booth and schedule the
interview; it was good to find out they already had a spot reserved for
interviews with the artists from the Mexican exhibit and I was already
The interview seemed to go well but I am sure I
rambled a little. I find it interesting how I can give lectures and talk for
long periods when I teach classes but talking with a camera in front of me
makes 3 minutes feel longer and makes me nervous.
Me arregle rapido y me lleve un bagel y un cafe del restaurant. Lista para conocer al taxista del Sabado por la manana. Un joven que llevaba jeans pero con una camisa de botones muy formal. -Podria haber sido una playera no?
Antes de que abriera el show teniamos programada una entrevista con Quilting Alliance ( El dia anterior, hablando con Lisa Ellis ella me animo a ir con Quilt Alliance para que me entrevistaran. Me dio gusto enterarme que ya habia un espacio reservado para los artistas de Mexico y que yo ya estaba considerada.
En la entrevista me fue bien aunque siento que titubie un poco. Fue interesante darme cuenta como puedo dar conferencias y hablar por largos periodos de tiempo pero al hacerlo frente a una camara siento que 3 minutos son mas largos y me pongo un poco nerviosa.
The rest of the day was relaxing and without an
agenda. I admired many quilts, did some
more shopping, and met and talked with Donna De Soto, artist and organizer of
the Beatles Exhibit ( and the upcoming National Parks Exhibit (where I’m going to
be participating). Found more friends
here and there.
Saturday evening and finally it was time to say good
bye to my dear friends from Mexico. Eduardo gave me back my “Miracle with
Roses” quilt which was exhibited in the Festival Brasileiro de Quilt e
Patchwork em Gramado in Brasil (my quilts get to travel more than me, not
fair!). We said a warm bye. When I hugged Maria Roble I still had myself
together but as I was hugging Carolina Flores my watery eyes let escape more
than 2 big tears. I put myself back
together and said, “I’ll see you in February in Mexico City. Thanks for a
wonderful weekend.”
Houston International Quilt Festival 2014 was
officially over for me. A bunch of wonderful
first impressions I will never forget and now I want to go again, and again and
El resto del dia fue muy relajado y sin agenda. Admire muchos muchos quilts, hice mas compras. Conoci y hable con Donna De Soto, artista y organizadora de la exhibicion de Los Beatles ( y de la proxima exhibicion de Parques Nacionales (en la cual voy a participar). Encontre mas amigos aqui y alla. Cuando al fin fue hora de decir adios a mis queridos amigos de Mexico, Eduardo me regreso mi quilt "Un Milagro con Rosas" que habia estado exhibido en el Festival Brasileno de Patchwork y Quilt (mis quilts viajan mas que yo! no es justo!) Dijimos un caluroso adios. Cuando abrace a Maria Roble todavia estaba tranquila, pero al abrazar a Carolina Flores mis ojos dejaron escapar mas de dos lagrimones. Me reincorpore y les dije: "Nos vemos en Febrero en la Ciudad de Mexico. Gracias por un maravilloso fin de semana"
El Festival Internacional de Quilting 2014 estaba oficialmente terminado para mi. Muchas primeras impresiones que nunca olvidare y ahora quiero asisitr una vez mas, y otra mas y otra mas...
If you wonder what the taxi driver who took me to
the hotel on Saturday evening was wearing:
Sport coat and trousers! And the one who drove me to the airport on
Sunday morning? I’ll never know, because
I was able to spend some time with my cousin who lives in Houston and she drove me to the airport. But I’m sure it was going to
be a tuxedo!! Ha, ha, ha!
Si quieren saber como estaba vestido el taxista que me llevo al hotel el Sabado en la tarde: pantalon formal y saco! Y el que me llevo al aeropuerto el Domingo temprano? Nunca lo sabre, porque pase un rato con mi prima que vive en Houston y ella me llevo al aeropuerto, pero seguro que iba a ser un taxista de smoking!!! jajaja!!
If you are planning to visit (or thinking about
visiting) Mexico City next year, do it in February. I’ll be teaching at the Patchwork
and Quilt Expo 2015 held at the World Trade Center.
Look for my upcoming classes in northern Virginia, Washington DC and Sacramento CA.
Si planean visitar la Ciudad de Mexico el proximo ano, haganlo en Febrero: Voy a estar dando clases en la Expo Patchwork y Quilt 2015 en el World Trade Center.
Busquen mi calendario con las proximas clases en Virginia, Washington DC y Sacramento CA.
Always, always, smile and quilt,
Hi, Marisela! Great blogging about the Houston Market! How exciting for you to meet with so many interesting people. You will HAVE to tell me where Pam Holland bought the background fabric for the epic quilt (80 meters!) she is making for another competition. Sounds intriguing!!
Thank you for reading Daliza!
ReplyDeleteI almost had a heart attack when Pam said she bought it at Wall Mart!
I know!! I guess when something works ok, it's ok!
Smile and quilt.